Monday, July 19, 2010

Me, Via and The Phinching

hehehe ... I was going to bed, but suddenly remembered a funny thing, that will tell you...

At that time about eleven years ago, I was junior high school, and I live in a dormitory.
I've got a good friend, she was my roommate, Sylvia is her name.
"Via", I used to call her that. Via a blind too, just like me ... ;)

At that moment, me and Via chat both in our room. I sat on her mattress.
Coincidence time Via has just taken clothes from the clothesline, so that the mattress was a lot of pinching are scattered. I feel uncomfortable with it, and I intend to organize the pinching neatly.
I took one of the pinching, but suddenly my intention changed... Instead there was a good idea in my mind. (hehehe,,, silly idea so why say good ...) I even clipped it on clothes that Via wear.
Nearly all the pinching in Via's mattress I clip on her clothes without her realize. I very slowly clip the pinching :D

"Ai, urang rek ngangkat jemuran heula nya sawareh deui bisi hujan..." (Sundanese) means: "Ai, I want to grab some clothes for now, afraid of the rain ..." Via said.
with eager, I replied: ""enya Via, buru kaditu! geus ceudeum ih..." means: ""Yeah Via, hurry up! Already cloudy..."
I smiled to myself when Via out of the room. I was anxious to know the reactions of people who see her.
"hmm, It'll be fun!" I talk to myself.

"Euleuh euleuh, Viaaaa... naha eta meni rimbil jepitan dina acuk?!" means: "Ouch, Viaaaa ... why in the clothes you are wearing so many pinching?!"
I heard the dormitory chef say like that to Via. It sounds so obvious, because the distance between clothesline and my room very close, clothesline in the back of my room.
Of course I'm very glad to hear it, that's means, I got her. Instantly my laughter broke out, I can not stand it anymore ... :))
Via must have heard me laugh. Suddenly she shouted hysterically calling my name. I still take it easy, put face without sin... hehehee
At that time I was resigned to what punishment would be given to me by Via. But basically Via is good person and loves me, (you have to believe it!), I didn't got a penalty from her, finally instead she was laughing with me ... :))

hmm,,, if i'm remembering the past like this, the desire to have a time machine is always on my mind :P

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